How can we help our children heal...


The question is:

How can we help our children heal?

It is such a big pain, such a difficult thing to understand as mothers. How could our children get so deeply wounded? How is it that they hurt so immensely and profoundly? It is so difficult to hear them talk about how to end their lives, when they have everything they need: 

 youth, intelligence, abundance, possibilities, and our deep love that is always prepared to share anything they might need.

How could we help them regain their innocence? the love for life? their self worth?

How can we guide them and support them to build healthy relationships, and trust?

I keep questioning this obscure game of being in victimhood: Is it a way that they want to subconsciously manipulate us?  

Is it a way to play a very subtle game or is it just an open case of poor me?

Or... is it just simpler for them to blame their mothers, for they do not understand their destiny places them in such challenging situations.

They do not see that, as much as we wanted to change their stories, it is too late. They walk their own path now.

We could have never realised what was going on, or how could we have been so trusting, so blind…

Of course, I know, this is the moment to heal all of this.  

When women accross social media are expressing themselves themselves and speaking out about all levels of abuse. Abuse that that we, yes almost all of us, the ones who remember, and the ones who have kept it in the deep folds of their brains, have been through.   All of us, one way or the other.


It was always someone very close, someone we trusted, whether in the family, circle of friends, at school...

In my practice, I have heard so many stories, it is almost unbelievable that this continues to go on in the shadows and in the open. 

How has humanity been so cruel, co corrupt, so egoistically and brutally self centred…? and how have we been allowing it?

Abuse has many faces, all of them horrible, because they take away the innocence of our children, ours, to each one of us.


Somehow, we have kept it secret, as our most shameful story, as something so deeply embedded in our selves. It has created a sickly lack of self esteem, feelings of shame, where we recede into desperation, deep depressions.  Where we do not dare to be. 

It keeps so many of us women weak, unable to say yes or no, and to defend our Selves.

I wonder and wish and pray to have the answers to all this. 

And I meditate to access the healing modalities, step by step, although I know, every case is different.

Many people have been opening themselves to the public, sharing their stories. This acts are courageous. It is so difficult to open up to public scrutiny. Because it involves family members, definitely, and causes a lot of separation, blaming, defensive answers. Because it affects us all- me too.

What next?

Yesterday, I read this Playboy magazine article about victim blaming.

I couldn’t understand what they were trying to say. 

As an early teenager, I read some of their articles; my cousin showed me his secret stash of magazines.

I can see now, how they affected my young mind, how they help form the connection between being beautiful and being sexy.

Is it a product of the times? A public predator changing the ideas of the world?

How can we raise our children strong in this atmosphere? Most importantly: How can we heal our children that have been effected by the abuse?

These are our challenges now. Not only in the area of sexuality, but in many other ways we have seen, felt, and experienced life on this planet. The abuse towards our Selves is apparent all around us. 

Is it all wrong?

Personally, I have been through a lengthy and painful process of releasing the guilt and shame.

 Forgiveness towards others, forgiveness of myself, and gratitude are the keys to healing

I have seen the reactions in people who come to my practice, their eyes bright again, their inner joy awakened. Sometimes their healing process is so deep, even their voices change, and the way they carry themselves.

You may ask yourself: How can we really forgive people's cruel behaviour? 

How can we forgive those who abuse children at such tender age?  

How can we confront the abusers, the pederasts, the porno industry?

I am thinking, praying, wishing, waiting for the answers.

What comes to my heart, after the deep forgiveness, is something I remembered: the words of someone with much light, who once said: seven times seven.

In my case, every day, for many years with lots of people, all over the world.

Within the infinite layers that we, as people, have to go through in order to reach the platform where we see that there is nothing else but to accept life at it is. And to do our best, as far as we can, to love and to forgive.  

We, as a oneness collective, are healing, let us be grateful.

Tonight, on the Sacred Maya Calendar date of Kat. Kat is the the healing process. It is a call to escape the traps of your mind and reach into our deepest inner being. It is a day that calls us to come out of the traps, and let our spirits dance and rejoice in freedom, love and unity!

Today is the 13 KAT. The symbology of 13 is transcendence!!! healing!!!!!  Divine grace!!!

And so it is… and so it be, and it is done.


Full Moon Fire Ceremony


El Espíritu de la Mujer