Earth Ceremony - Vidanza

Vidanza is a transformative movement technique that leads participants through a range of expressive motion and emotion. Performed to a progression of neo-Maya songs that evoke different energies, Vidanza participants sob, laugh, dance, howl, moan, stomp, and sigh their way through feelings both positive and negative, emerging at the end of the two-hour session renewed and empowered, after releasing blockages that hide our authentic self! This is a Sacred Dance of the soul.

Vidanza opens our heart, mind, spirit and emotions. Using a combination of blessings with, incense, oils, and stones throughout the dance, very special music created by my dear friends helps us get in touch with the inner feelings and allows us to find the movements needed to express them. Vidanza allows us to connect to our inner self, with Mother Earth, and the surrounding elements. Please bring some special crystals from your altar.


Vidanza is a beautiful self-expression of life and dancing, to clean and rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit!

It is bodily and spiritual movement that opens your heart, mind, spirit and emotions.  Using a combination of blessings with smoke, incense, oils, and stones throughout the dance, Vidanza allows you to connect to your inner self, with Mother Earth, and the surrounding elements.  The dance is a focused and concentrated, yet wild and free sensation that encourages you to let go of the past and release old or negative energies.  Then you are free to breathe in new life and new energy, to focus on the present moment, and to move forward into the future with a refreshed spirit and clear mind.

All through the power of music and melody, positive energy flow, and the creation of a sacred space of love in which to freely release yourself to the joy, blessing and beauty of “Life~Vida” and “The Dance~Danza”

Vidanza ist eine transformative Übung, die den Teilnehmern durch verschiedene Bereiche der expressiven Bewegung führt, um die emotionellen Zentren des Körpers zu aktivieren. Begleitet von einer Abfolge von energetischen Neo-Maya Liedern, die Teilnehmer werden zum lachen, weinen, tanzen, heulen, stöhnen, brüllen oder seufzen animiert. Diese Musik verspiegelt verschiedene Gefühle, negative sowie positive, die während der zweistündige Session auftreten. Man fühlt sich am Ende erfrischt, ermächtigt und selbstbewusst nachdem die energetischen Blockierungen durch dynamische Bewegungen aufgelöst wurden. Dann findet man sein authentisches Ich. Das ist der Tanz der Seele!


Sacred Fire Ceremony


Temascal Ceremony